Bathroom Cleaning Tips to Make Life Easier

The time has come. You cannot escape it any longer. The dirty toilet, clogged drain and stained tiles are calling out for help. The bathroom usually gets avoided or left for last when it comes to cleaning. And for good reason – it’s gross! Here are some easy and effective hacks that’ll make the bathroom the ‘number one’ place you start with when you clean your home The shower This is a classic trick: fill a Ziploc pouch or plastic bag with vinegar and fasten it around your shower to get rid of any water residue buildup. Toilet, tiles by Natural Products If you have it, you can use microfiber for all of these. I’ve even found it to be effective on soap scum in the shower . If not, there are other natural options that work great too: A 50/50 vinegar/water solution will clean tile, counters, cabinet fronts and soap scum in the shower A baking soda and water paste will clean stuck on gunk in the shower and tub ( us...